Pseudo Force and Simple Pendulum Problems
Pseudo Force and Simple Pendulum Problems
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Pseudo Force and Simple Pendulum Problems
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List of Important Physics derivations for Board Examinations (2024-25) CBSE: Class-XII Important Physics derivations for Board Examinations Chapter 7 – Alternating Current (AC) 1.Using phasor diagram, derive an expression for voltage, current and impedance in LCR series circuit connected with alternating source of emf ɛ=sin(ωt + ф) . Also, deduce power factor of circuit
List of Important Physics derivations for Board Examinations (2024-25) Read More »
Kinematics: Understanding Uniform Motion What is Kinematics Kinematics is the branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects without considering the causes of motion. Among the various types of motion, uniform motion is a fundamental concept that provides a foundation for understanding more complex movements. In this article, we will delve into the
Kinematics: Understanding Uniform Motion Read More »
Additional Velocity Required to Overcome Earth’s Gravitational Pull for Satellite Escape Escape velocity is the minimum velocity an object must attain to break free from the gravitational attraction of a massive body without further propulsion. For an object on the surface of the Earth, this velocity is approximately 11.2 kilometers per second (or about 25,000
Kepler’s law of period Kepler’s law of period for planetary motion According to Kepler’s laws of period for planetary motion, the square of the period of revolution of as planet around the sun is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. Mathematically, it can be expressed as , where �T
Kepler’s law of period Read More »
Moment of Inertia of Rod having non-uniform, linearly increasing mass density Moment of Inertia Moment of inertia is of great importance when we come to discuss the rotational dynamics. The the word “inertia” refers to resistance against any change in state of object (mass). Specifically, the moment of inertia is measure of a body’s resistance
Moment of Inertia of a Rod having non-uniform, linearly increasing mass density Read More »
Head on collision : Important case of partial elastic collision Q.A ball of mass m moving at a speed v makes a head on collision with an identical ball at rest. If the kinetic energy of the balls after collision is of the original. Then the coefficient of restitution is (A) (B) (C) (D) Solution
Maximum compression in the spring Q.What is the maximum compression in the spring, if the lower block is shifted to rightward with acceleration a. (Given that all surfaces are smooth as shown). (A) (B) (C) (D) Table of Contents Solution Let us assume that the upper block of mass ‘m’ displaces by distance ‘x’ towards
How Static Friction helps two blocks to move together ! Q.For given system of two blocks, find the maximum value of force F which can be applied on the system as shown in figure so that both blocks move together. [Given coefficient of static friction between both blocks = 0.3] (A) 3N (B) 6N (C)
Rolling of a solid disc on horizontal Rolling , specifically a pure rolling is a classic example of combined translational and rotational motion. While talking about the rolling of a solid disc over horizontal ground, actually we are discussing a simple case of rolling. Pure rolling refers rolling without slipping. Thus, there is no presence