Search Search Physics Broadly, we can divide Physics ( Standard - XI) into following two parts - (1) Mechanics (2) Thermo (0) Basic Mathematical Tools (1) Mechanics Part (A) Core - Kinematics A. Vectors B. Straight Line Motion C. Motion in Plane (Projectile & Circular Motion) - Newton's Laws of Motion (NLM) - Friction - Work Energy Power - Centre of Mass (C.O.M.) & Collisions - Rotational Mechanics (Dynamics of Rotational Motion) (Part -B) Applied -Gravitation - Mechanical properties of solids - Fluid Mechanics - S.H.M. (Simple Harmonic Motion)/Oscillation - Waves (Wave Mechanics) (2) Thermo - Thermal Properties of Solids - Thermometery & Calorimetry - Kinetic Theory of Gasses - Heat Transfer - Thermodynamics (0) Basic Mathematical Tools - Linear & Quadratic Equations (Basic) A. Straight Line Motion B. Motion in Plane (Projectile & Circular Motion) -Slopes & Straight Lines -Some Standard Graphs - Logarithm and its properties - Vectors - Derivatives / Differentiation - Integral/ Integration